
My mom made gravy.  Gravy with fried chicken especially. 

Biscuits and Gravy

Once the chicken was done, mom would add 1/4 cup flour to the oil in the frying pan.  Stir the flour in the grease until it is brown.  It will brown nicely, stir constantly so it will not burn.  Once the flour has browned to the color you like, add 1 cup water all at once and stir constantly.  (If you add the water bit by bit, your gravy will get lumpy.)  As the gravy thickens, add 1 cup milk, stirring constantly.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Ahhhh – this stuff is good.

If you want to make sausage gravy, just start browning sausage and then make gravy from the drippings.  Serve with Baking Powder biscuits, fried potatoes and scrambled eggs for a hearty breakfast buffet. 

Fried Potatoes, Biscuits and Sausage Gravy

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