Berry Blue Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich


Two Batches:
Bake your favorite brownies, making them in a pan 1 and 1/2 times larger pan size than you would normally use.
(You want them thinner than standard brownies. You have to adjust the baking time which will be from 8-12 minutes.) Bake them on parchment paper for ease of removing them from the pan.

Prepare your ice cream:
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream (make your own or buy)
1 large container of cool whip lite or free.
Juice from 2-4 lemons
1/2 gallon berry sherbert
1 can blueberry pie filling

Defrost sherbert and press into a parchment lined baking dish the same you used to bake your brownies. Cover with pie filling. Refreeze while you prepare the vanilla ice cream.

Thaw the vanilla ice cream and whip cream for 1 minute in the microwave. Using the dough attachment on your mixer, combine the ice cream and whipped topping. Add lemon juice and taste. It sure tastes like cheesecake, yummy!
Pour into baking pan on top of the sherbert. Let refreeze for at least an hour. Cover with plastic wrap.

Bake brownies in sames size baking dish as the prepared ice cream filling. Make sure you line the baking dish with parchment so you can easily remove the brownie.
Let cool.

Assemble: Remove the ice cream mixture from freezer and remove plastic wrap and parchment. Place on top of one of sheets of brownies. With the second pan of brownies lift out of the pan using the parchment and invert on top of the ice cream. This gives you perfect finished smooth ice cream sandwiches.

Now, lift the whole big ice cream sandwich onto a cutting board. I used a pasty cutter and sliced into 1 1/2 inch squares. You want to keep them bite size!

Cut the ice cream bars

Refreeze and then wrap in parchment or plastic. To take to a big party, I forgo wrapping them individually and instead cut and then place in square container. Keeping them together keeps them frozen longer. Remove and place on a serving dish, or walk around at dessert time and serve individually with a napkin, of course!

Awesome bites!

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