I thought my mother was brilliant as she would deliver this wonderfulness to our table.
Cooking one egg at a time for each of my brothers and sisters.
Yesterday, I made this for my hubby, Dennis. He lapped it up!
Rye Bread
1 large egg
1 ounce favorite cheese – I used Jack which is what I had in the fridge.
Coat the frying pan slightly with olive oil or butter.
Medium heat, not too hot or you will burn your bread!
Cut a hole in your bread with a small glass.
Place the bread in the frying pan along with the circle you removed so it gets toasty also.
Crack your egg into the hole.
Salt, pepper.
When it starts to set, flip it over.
Add cheese.
Remove from pan when it white is set.
Serve with tomato salad
Slice small tomatoes into halves
Drizzle with olive oil and balsalmic vinegar and a little salt and pepper.
Makes a world class breakfast with little effort!
Enjoy this awesomebite!