Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes or Butternut Squash or Beets

My daughter needed a pot luck item for a Thankgiving dinner tonight with about 19 friends.  She loves sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed them, roasted in a 400 degree oven on a cookie sheet.  I find that about 3 sweet potatoes will fit per cookie sheet.  Keep them in a single layer, they will brown nicely and not get mushy.  (I also love Butternut Squash and/or Beets roasted in this same way.)

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with a dash of nutmeg

Make sure you use a little olive oil so they do not stick.  After 45 minutes, they will be perfect.  Salt and pepper to taste and I always like to add a bit of freshly grated nutmeg.

Perfectly yummy!

Simple Sweet Potatoes - Oven Roasted

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